Marco Faccini
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2m 37s
Are any charities using virtual reality?
Marco Faccini
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1m 37s
How can charities keep up with technology?
Marco Faccini
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2m 28s
Do you have any predictions for learning technologies?
Marco Faccini
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1m 39s
How can virtual reality be used for L&D?
Marco Faccini
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3m 18s
How can charities afford virtual reality?
Marco Faccini
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2m 35s
What does research say about the effectiveness of virtual reality?
Marco Faccini
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What is virtual reality?
Marco Faccini
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2m 46s
Where has virtual reality been used for learning?
Marco Faccini
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2m 28s
Are there any golden rules for using virtual reality?
Marco Faccini