Andrew Jacobs
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1m 15s
What are your indicators for success?
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 36s
Why is social media important?
Andrew Jacobs
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2m 04s
What are the challenges in showing ROI in Learning & Development?
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 07s
Have you had any challenges using social media for L&D?
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 11s
What advice would you give a team looking to take training online?
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 12s
What do the terms ‘shopkeepers’ and ‘engineers’ mean in L&D?
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 28s
Explain what is 52 minutes and 2.5% of learning budget in L&D?
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 23s
How do you get ‘buy in’ from senior managers?
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 49s
Shopkeepers and engineers
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 01s
What does great leadership mean to you?
Andrew Jacobs
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2m 01s
How can you develop staff with little or no budget
Andrew Jacobs
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1m 37s
Why is it important for organisations to be on social media?
Andrew Jacobs