Laura Bilton
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2m 13s
EDI: Promoting equity and equality is an active process that we all need to push
Laura Bilton
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1m 41s
EDI: Laura Bilton shares her distressing experience with people's...
Laura Bilton
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1m 12s
EDI: Laura talks about her experience with stuctural discrimination and what it...
Laura Bilton
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2m 59s
EDI: White people don't have to battle against certain stereotypes says...
Laura Bilton
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2m 12s
EDI: Laura talkes about why some people are deemed more valuable than others
Laura Bilton
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2m 30s
EDI: Laura Bilton discusses the EDI contrast between middle and top level...
Laura Bilton
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2m 05s
EDI: I still experience people double taking forms as they don't think it...
Laura Bilton
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1m 19s
EDI: Does racism still impact young people?
Laura Bilton
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1m 21s
EDI: Laura explains how the CLC EDI project proves to us how much we have in...
Laura Bilton
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1m 34s
EDI: 'My children still suffer the same discrimination I did', says...
Laura Bilton
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3m 50s
EDI: We need to be aware that language can be used as a force of dividing...
Laura Bilton
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1m 12s
EDI: No one says 'I didn't think you'd be black', instead...
Laura Bilton
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2m 22s
EDI: Laura Bilton discusses the physical effects discrimination can have on a...
Laura Bilton
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3m 28s
EDI: Is racism a white issue?
Laura Bilton