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1m 33s
Leadership: Coaching people through change (LS11E3)
CLC Animation
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1m 28s
Leadership: Shifting and reframing mindsets (LS11E4)
CLC Animation
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1m 24s
Leadership: Shrinking the change (LS11E5)
CLC Animation
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2m 20s
Leadership: The emotional bank account (S10E5)
CLC Animation
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1m 33s
Leadership: Why agility matters (LS11E1)
CLC Animation
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2m 11s
Leadership: Addressing negative thoughts (S10E4)
CLC Animation
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2m 10s
Leadership: Addressing the elephant in the room (LS10E6)
CLC Animation
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1m 56s
Leadership: Change is constant (S10E1)
CLC Animation
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2m 28s
What are the differences between coaching and mentoring?
Jane Saunders
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5m 17s
What is motivational interviewing?
Jo Stephenson
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3m 05s
Having a positive mindset
Liggy Webb
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2m 23s
Why is data protection so important for charities?
Richard Marbrow
Sarah Rowett
Sarah Rowett
CIPD (Steps Ahead Mentor & Ambassador)
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1m 18s
What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?
Sarah Rowett
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2m 42s
Why is your role as a Steps Ahead mentor and ambassador so important?
Sarah Rowett
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1m 47s
Top tips for reaching out and working with young people
Sarah Rowett
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4m 09s
What would you say to others who are considering becoming a mentor?
Sarah Rowett
Managing yourself
Managing yourself
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3m 22s
How can charities develop their leaders with minimal budgets?
Caspar Walsh
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6m 15s
How do we increase resilience
Ian Pettigrew
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2m 38s
What different networking events are out there for young people?
Darryl Howes
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5m 15s
Can you tell us about the ‘Going the Distance’ programme?
Tom Westerling